Monday, February 22, 2010

30 weeks

It is hard to believe but in 10 weeks, give or take, we will have a new little one! Exciting and scary at the same time. I now see the doctor every two weeks. Monday was my most recent appointment. I had an ultrasound to check the growth of the baby. All looks good, but right now it looks like it will be a little baby. Not little as in problematic, just not big. Graham was only 7 lbs 1 oz so I just may grow small babies. Things could change in 10 weeks, but right now I don't think Baby #2 will end up in the 9 or 10 pound range.

Everything has been good with the baby and the pregnancy. My main doctor asked if I was following some book about how to have a boring pregnancy. I told him with a toddler I don't have time to read any pregnancy books. He just laughed. The baby is very active. I keep waiting for Graham to feel it sometime when I am holding him, but the little one has yet to try to beat up his/her big brother from the safe confines of Mommy's tummy.

Right now I am guessing the baby will come after the due date. I will have my bag ready before that of course. It will have to be hidden from Graham because I am sure he would find it great fun to throw everything out of it everyday. We will also be prepared for a girl or a boy. I think Chris and I are both leaning boy. I won't be shocked though if it is a girl. We are anxious to meet our little one - in another 10 weeks! :)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sick of doctors

Hey my peeps! Can I tell you I am so sick of going to the doctor? Holy cow! Last week I had to go twice. I had an early case of croup last week and the cold part is finally almost gone. I coughed a lot when the medicine wore off. That medicine really did a number on me too. I think Mommy and Daddy called me 'cranky pants'. :( We also had to go back to my ear doctor so he could look in my ears - I did NOT like it! He didn't seem to care that I was wailing. This past week, Mommy took me back to see my regular doctor. Apparently it was my 18 month appointment. I didn't like it when they did anything and then that nice Nurse Sue comes in and give me shots. Boy, I tell ya that was so upsetting! And everyone needs to stop looking in my ears!!!

[Editor's Note (i.e Mom's input) - Graham's statistics at his appointment were as follows: height - 33 1/4 inches, 75%; weight 25 lbs 8 oz - 50%; and head continues to be near the top of the chart at 95%! His weight was down from his 15 month appointment. Between his illnesses and tube surgery, his lost some of his appetite. It doesn't help that Dakota is sitting at his feet at every meal begging for food. ]

Besides seeing too many doctors, Mommy took me for a haircut. Oh my gosh, that was torture. Mind you it was my 10th haircut in my short 18 months. I just don't like them anymore. I could tell the lady cutting my hair didn't have much experience with kids. Also those scissors really hurt my hair!

I guess we were supposed to go to Kansas City over Valentine's Day, but with me being sick we didn't go. Nanny was going to visit, but as usual it was going to snow so it wouldn't have been good for her to be driving all that way. Uncle Greg did stop by and he brought cupcakes from some yummy cake place. I ate my whole cupcake! Maybe Mommy will stop there sometime!

This weekend Grandma came to visit. Daddy went away with a bunch of guys without me and Mommy. I don't know how those guys could be more fun than me and Mommy, but apparently Daddy thought somehow they would be. I had lots of fun with Grandma here though and Uncle Greg was over quite a bit. I even finished my nap sitting on his lap. We went to the fish fry at church. I didn't really sit still much, but eventually ate my dinner. It was so fun to walk around those tables. Saturday morning Mommy dropped Grandma and me off at the mall and we walked around until the play area opened. Mommy was there after awhile too. It was so fun! All those kids and stuff to climb on! I hugged one little girl. Then I hit her. Mommy made me apologize which I show as a hug. I played with Grandma some more at home, but she had to go home after church because her house was supposed to get a whole bunch of snow on Sunday. I was sad and I think she was too.

As usual, I am into everything possible. I figured out that I can slide the chairs from the kitchen table around so I can climb on the counters. Nothing is safe from my little hands. Anything that I can climb on is also fair game. Sometimes my hands are quite helpful like when I help put away dishes or my toys. Other times I create quite a mess, like dumping powder all over the carpet. Mommy and Daddy wish I would talk more. I wish they would listen better. They seem to be picking up on more of what I am saying. Like Dad understood when I said 'poo' that I needed a new dipe!

You can tell I love snuggling with Dad and Mom!

Dad and Mom have been watching the Olympics. Dad thought I should try on his ski goggles - they obviously don't fit!Well I hope my next update has no reports of doctors!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Do I look different?

Hey Graham Fans! What do you think? Do I look different? Mommy and Daddy said they put tubes in my ears - can you see them? If you have been following my blog, you know that I have a lot of ear infections. Mommy and Daddy and the doctors decided getting tubes would be the best thing for me. Based on the experience, I am not so sure. (Editor's note - Daddy put Graham on top of the fridge. He hasn't figured that out on his own.)
Here's how it all played out. I had to go to my doctor the day before my 'surgery'. She said I had an ear infection! Good grief. Instead of taking some tasty flavored medicine. They gave me TWO shots. I have never had shots that hurt that bad! Wow! I don't want to do that again. The next day we got up early and I left the house with my jammies still on and no breakfast. We went to this place that looked like other doctor offices. When we went to the back, things started to look different. My ear doctor looked normal, but this other doctor had a weird hat on his head. Pretty soon, some nurse came and got me. She had a really funny looking hat on her head. It didn't even bother me that Mom and Dad weren't with me, because I was checking out this lady. In this other room, they put some big mask on my face. I don't remember much after that until the nurse was carrying me to Daddy and Mommy. I felt so WEIRD. I didn't like it. Daddy held me but that only made me feel slightly better and I love my daddy. Fortunately Mommy and Daddy had milk for me, but I still felt so weird. Mommy and I went home. Eventually I had some breakfast and started to fell a better. I have to get drops in my ears. I HATE that. I really do. Mommy said we are done with those. Yeah!

Mommy and I went to Grandma's house over the weekend. It was fun. Aunt Deb and her family were there too. Kayla really likes to play with me and she doesn't care how many times I wash my hands. I really like to wash my hands (play in the water). Grandma has lots of tractors to play with so I had plenty of fun playing with them. She even opened some that were in a box still. I was so busy while at Grandma's that I slept the whole way home!
Let's see, what else have I been into, I mean up to? I like to wear Mommy and Daddy's shoes around the house. It is kind of hard to walk in Dad's shoes. I can walk easier in Mom's. Generally I just enjoy getting into everything. I seem to be able to reach higher and higher all the time so I can get my hands on more things. The utensil drawers are a favorite as are the drawers with the screwdrivers and hammer. One drawer has tape in it - oh, I like that! Of course getting into the closet with the vacuum is also a favorite past time. If I find anything that resembles the vacuum hose, I pretend that it is one.
Life is pretty ordinary right now. We go to Brighter Beginnings class and music class. Hopefully ordinary will include less doctor appointments for me. Mommy seems to go a lot too and there is so much talk about a baby. I am still not sure what that means. I will keep you posted on that.
