Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Change seems to happen in clusters

As a little guy, Graham is constantly changing, but the big changes seem to happen in clusters. Last week, we finally saw the first tooth. The first indication was how much he was sticking his tongue out. Sure enough, he was rubbing his tongue over that new tooth! By the end of the week we could see the second tooth.
Graham continues to roll around but has been getting less satisfied with it as his mode of movement. From the sitting position, he will lean forward, have one knee, one foot and both hands on the ground, but has not yet figured out he can move. Tuesday he did a brief army crawl. Wednesday he was army crawling almost as much as he rolls.

Paper seems to be as much fun as any of his toys. I caught him reading the paper the other day. Chris was pleased to hear that Graham found an issue of Bowhunter magazine and tore some of the pages out. Chris took this as a sign that Graham will also be a bowhunter!

As you all know, Lent just started. Graham is still trying to decide what to give up for lent. He is trying to decide if it would be better to give up naps or toys in the tub. He was leaning toward the naps. Mom says naps are not an option, and he doesn't need to sacrifice his tub enjoyment. He did get his first ashes!

Graham is a good eater - he has yet to try anything he doesn't like. He watches us eat and wants it. We try to tell him he is too young for coffee, but he really wants what is in our mugs!
Last week was Daddy's birthday so we e-mailed him a picture with birthday wishes. It took a few shots before Graham would hold the paper at the right angle so Daddy would see it. It made Daddy's day!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I may need to get a blackberry!

Life is so busy, I seriously may need a blackberry. Maybe I can persuade Mommy and Daddy into buying one for me. I know I talked about my social life last time, but it has REALLY picked up! Last week I saw Uncle Greg. He was impressed that I reached for him to hold me. Then over the weekend we went to Kansas City. The biggest event of the weekend was meeting my new cousin Ben. He didn't seem too impressed to meet me. He slept a lot. I will have to teach him how much fun it is to be awake and all that you can do. We also hung out with Nanny and Nan, Grandpa and Susan, and of course Uncle Brad and Aunt Lisa along with one of their friends.
Now back home Mommy joined a new group and we went and had coffee with a bunch of moms and their kids. I was the youngest, but not the smallest. They were all impressed that I would just sit on the floor and entertain myself. There was another little boy that was older but smaller than me - he was moving around on his hands and knees. I need to learn to do that. It looked so much faster than rolling! Daddy and I have a playdate on Thursday night with my friends Ethan and Eliana. Ethan is older so maybe he will teach me new tricks. We both will have to teach Eliana tricks - she is way younger, like 2 1/2 months.
As you can see below, I have learned to jump in my jumperoo! It is way fun!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

6 months old

Hey Graham Fans - Thought it was time I provide an update. I need to speak for myself! Being 6 months old is a lot of fun. I have so much more to learn and try, I can hardly wait! For example, eating. I have eaten carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, green beans, squash and now peaches. I like them all and want more! Mommy has let me suck on some of her food - apple, banana, graham crackers. I wish she would share more. I watch Mommy and Daddy eat stuff that looks really good and I want some too! When they feed I try to grab the spoon. I am pretty strong for my age so do my best to hold on to it. So far they win.

BTW don't think I am bragging about being strong. I have really been working on my core. When I am laying down or reclined, I do my best to get myself up. If Mommy puts her fingers above me, I can pull myself up. Gosh, once I am sitting I can then pull myself up to stand. I have been lobbying Mommy and Daddy to put little handle bars around the house so I can build more upper body strength. I haven't yet convinced them. I will keep working on them.

Mommy and I are still going to the library for story hour. We sing songs and read books. Last week, some girl pulled my hair! Mommy said she was flirting with me. She was like 9 months so WAY older than me. I like seeing the other kids.

Dakota and I are becoming good friends. When she is really, really tired, she doesn't care if I touch her. I keep my eye on her. Actually I keep my eye on everything. If I am in a new place, I have to check it out. I don't like to miss out on anything.

Someone asked me what my favorite toy is. I don't know that I have a favorite. It just depends on my mood. Toys do get bonus points if I can put them in my mouth. Momma keeps asking me if my gums hurt and trying to see if I have a tooth. I chew a lot and drool a lot - apparently that means I should be getting a tooth. If it is something that helps me eat more stuff, I am all for it!

Note from Mom: Graham had his 6 month appt. He continues to do well. He weighed 18 lbs 9 oz putting him at the 70th percentile. He is 27 inches long - 75th percentile and his head circumference put him in the 75th percentile.