Guess what?! I got my hair cut! Yes this is Caroline. A hair cut wouldn't be news for Graham (though it would be news if he quit crying when getting his hair cut!). Mommy has been talking about getting my hair cut for several weeks, but had to find a time where Daddy could be there too. He wanted to be there for the first snip!
In the interest of full disclosure, Grandma has trimmed my bangs a couple of times but that wasn't really considered a 'cut'. I was a little apprehensive. I mean I have watched Brodduh get his hair cut many times and he always cries so I expected it to be somewhat tortuous. It really wasn't that bad. Maybe it is because Graham's hair is so much thicker than mine that he doesn't like it. Mom is hoping my hair gets a little thicker now that it has been cut. Time will tell. The best part of the whole event of course is the sucker! Here are the pics:
Note from Mom: Graham got his haircut a couple of days later and didn't shed a tear.