Hey Graham Fans! We are up to June of last year! June 1 was the day we moved into our new house. The moving actually started on May 31 when Dad and Mom signed all the papers. Grandma came up and helped unpack the boxes dad was moving. The 1st is when the real moving really happened. Two guys in a big truck pulled up around 8:30 (there was supposed to be a third, but Mommy doesn't know why only two came). Uncle Greg was helping. Uncle Tim and Aunt Deb helped. Kayla helped to entertain Caroline and me. Mommy's friend Sara helped too. Somehow it all got done with a lot of hard work. God Bless those that helped!
After move in day, there was still lots of work to do. Daddy worked to get the garage organized so we could get the cars into the garage. Soon the storage room had shelving too. Uncle Greg got the washer and dryer going. Grandma was helping (and passing out some of her cookies) and Grammy made her potato salad to feed the helpers. Love her potato salad!
The getting settled continued, but we started getting to know neighbors. Gosh on move in day a family that was building their house across the street and they even came over. Other neighbors across the street have two boys - 4 and 2, brought us dinner that first weekend. During the week, their daddy and our daddy were gone so they invited us to walk around the neighborhood. I road my bike - mind you on two wheels- all the way around the neighborhood. Mommy had to push once we got towards the end and it was uphill. The next two weekends they had what are called Pink Flamingo parties. Someone puts a pink flamingo in their yard and then people in the neighborhood bring their coolers in the evening and everyone socializes. The first one was a lot of fun because they had a bounce house out!! The next one was fun too, but not as many kids. It took me a bit to warm up but it was a good time! People are pretty friendly and will stop and talk.
Finally in June Dad was able to participate in a bbq contest. The bbq trailer was still at Grandma's so on a Saturday morning, Dad and I headed to Sigourney to get the trailer. We left a little early and frankly I was tired from the previous night's Flamingo Party. I took a snooze on the way down.
This trip was my first time visiting Grandpa Dennis' grave. Usually Mommy just gets out on her own. I felt like a pretty big kid that Daddy took me there. You know my middle name is Dennis so it is important for me to make a visit myself. Then we headed on to Grandma's. I did some gardening while there. Grandma has an old push garden tiller. I had to help her out and do some tilling. She appreciated it.

The bbq contest was the following weekend. I was so excited. My plan was to go up with Dad and Grampa to Marshalltown, help set up, help cook, and EVEN spend the night. We didn't leave until after gymnastics. Grampa wanted to see what we do at gymnastics. The picture is of Caroline climbing the rope ladder. She hasn't been doing gymnastics that long but you couldn't tell from how she made it to the top. Once we had gymnastics out of the way, we were off to Marshalltown. We stopped for bbq on the way out of town. I managed to doze off on the way to M-town so the trip went fast. I worked so hard trying to help unload the trailer. During the downtime, I climbed the trees by our spot. As the day wore on, I became more tired. As much I wanted to stay with dad the idea of Caroline getting to watch a movie on the way back home was too much. I had to go home too. I did get some good sleep! We went back the next day and I was ready to help! Daddy won 5th place in chicken and . How cool is that!? I rode back with Dad and Grampa. Mom and Caroline headed to Sigourney to go to the Peiffer family reunion.

I really missed Caroline. Daddy and I did some projects around the house. We went to Bass Pro. I insisted on getting pop guns for Caroline and me. I was very happy to give it to her and of course happy to see Mom too.
In the past, I am pretty sure I have talked about learning to golf. Dad takes me out with him sometimes. We had talked about asking my friend Michael and his dad to golf with us. It finally happened. We had so much fun. Once I went to retrieve a ball from the weeds and Michael shouted there was a snake in there! I hustled back out!
That is all for now. Hopefully Caroline will be on here soon writing the July '13 entry.