It has been another big week in Graham's life. He started showing increased interest in the dog. Chris decided it was time for Graham to find out what Dakota feels like. Dakota wasn't in agreement, but Chris held Graham so he could pet Dakota. Graham liked it, Dakota didn't. Dakota will position herself for you to pet her but if you grab Graham so he can pet her, she will shift herself away. Graham gets really excited when the opportunity arises. It doesn't matter that Dakota is 4 times his size.

The below zero temps kept Mommy and Graham homebound for a couple of days. Since we didn't have to take him out, we thought it was best to keep him in his warm home! When the highs finally reached the teens, Graham made a trip to Cost Cutters for haircut number two! It is a little shorter than the last cut, more of a little boy haircut. He did pretty well when the lady used the scissors, but once she turned on the clippers he whimpered and looked scared. Mommy and Daddy keep telling him how handsome he looks!

Graham ate his first vegetable - carrots! He did pretty well. The first few times we will give him a partial jar to make sure he isn't allergic. He might appreciate it so he doesn't get too much of a good thing! After several spoonfuls, he started making a face like they were bitter or tart.
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