At 7 months, Graham reached another first - his first illness. It started with a cold and then became an ear infection. Poor little fella! I think we caught it fairly early and he seems to be improving. While at the doctor's office, he was weighed - just over 20 lbs! He may be only 7 months, but there isn't much baby about him! Last week he got his third haircut. With his hair and his size, he looks out of place in babyish looking clothes - Mommy had to change an outfit last week because it just didn't look right on him!

Graham is very adventurous and doesn't know his limits. Two weekends ago, we visited Grandma's house. She wanted to see what he could do when he was standing. Holding on to her fingers, he put one foot in front of the other. He has the confidence he can do it with one, but doesn't have the balance. This past weekend Grandma, Aunt Deb, Uncle Tim, and Cousins Sam and Kayla were in town. He got lots of practice at walking. When we sit by him he is always grabbing for our fingers so he can stand. On Sunday, he pulled himself up to standing using the ottoman. I guess he will start walkin around the furniture sooner than we would like. :)

Graham's adventurous spirit means he likes to get into things he shouldn't. If Dakota's ball is in his sight, he will army crawl to get it. Dakota is so anxious for someone to throw her the ball that she will let him have it. He has a fascination with electrical outlets and power cords - he unplugged a lamp the other day. I am researching how I can get eyes in the back of my head. So far I haven't found anything. Mommy and Daddy need to do more baby proofing!

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