Besides Dakota being in trouble, we have had a LOT of fun in the last week. If you remember, I told you Daddy and Grandpa participated in a barbeque contest last Saturday. They got up early, early. Mommy and I went down to see them for lunch. I didn't get to try anything, Mommy just had some of my normal food ready to eat. It was most fun when I got out of the stroller. The big news of the day was that they placed 5th in the pork loin category. Boy were they excited! Apparently it is a big deal to place 5th or higher. I was so proud to be on the Albino Rhino BBQ team. [Side Note - have you ever seen us? Grandpa, Daddy, me (Uncle Brad and probably counsin Benjamin too) are not exactly tan]

Last weekend was so much fun. Besides Grandpa coming to visit, Daddy, Mommy and I played outside on Sunday. We took the 'BIG Cat' around the cul-de-sac (I have no idea what that means, I just heard Mommy say it). It was really fun. I got to hand out at the fire hydrant again - WAY fun. We also played in the backyard. Daddy kicked Dakota's ball so she would run and chase it. That just tickled me so! She would chase that ball - just so funny. I didn't think the day could get much more exciting. Well it did. Daddy and Mommy took me to this big bathtub like place. Mommy and Daddy got in with me. The water was kind of cold and there weren't any tub toys. Not sure what I thought of it. We will see if we go again what I think. Mommy talked to Daddy about taking me to Water Babies class in the big bath tub. (Note from Mom: the big bath tub is the indoor pool at the gym.)
Monday we all went back to the gym - I didn't go with Daddy and Mommy this time. I don't know why they didn't take me with them. There were a bunch of kids in the room they left me. It was okay, but after awhile those kids just kind of upset me. Fortunately Daddy and Mommy came back and got me after awhile. Mommy took me back later in the week. It was okay for awhile, but eventually I started really hoping Mommy would come back. I am glad she did!

Thursday I got my first balloon. I had to let it go, but I watched it. Daddy, Mommy, Grandma, Uncle Greg, and I went to an ALS memorial. We went to remember Grandpa Dennis. I never got to meet him, but I know it meant a lot to Mommy, Grandma, and Uncle Greg. Daddy and I did our best to make Mommy's eyes not water. She says she sure wishes Grandpa Dennis could have played with me, because she knows how much fun he would have had. She said it has been three years since Grandpa Dennis went to heaven where the balloons went. I hope he was watching us. He would have seen how much everyone there enjoyed my entertainment - walking like a big boy with all this hair is apparently very entertaining.

So that brings up to today. Grandma and I played while Mommy went to the gym. Then Mommy and I went to a store with a bunch of toys - we even brought one home (it is a a LOT of fun). Of course then Dakota ran away. She had to go inside, while Mommy and I played outside. From the pics you can see, I like rocks!
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