Graham is busy playing with his new toys he got for his birthday so he let me post the latest update. We just had his 12 month doctor's appointment yesterday. He is doing well but we ended up with another antibiotic for his ears. The doctor did say she didn't think it should be hurting him. He had a cold last week so I thought he might end up with some ear issues. It should clear up soon. Hopefully he stays healthy. The fun stuff from the doc was finding out his lastest growth statistics. His head is about to go off the chart at 49 cm putting him at 98.5%, his height took a jump from last time - 30 3/4 inches putting him at 80% and his weight was 23 lbs 11 oz putting him at 70%.

Chris and I can't believe a year has passed. We keep thinking about what we were doing a year ago. It is amazing how much he changed in a year. From a little guy that didn't seem to want to enter the world to one that doesn't miss anything. He is such a busy guy. He loves to play outside. If we come in too soon, he lets us know about it. He is really good about waving at cars that drive by when we are playing outside. He still likes to pick up rocks from the landscaping, carry around his golf clubs, and watch balls roll down the driveway.

He got a ball and bat for his birthday. The bat is almost as big as him, but he will still carry it around. Graham seems to enjoy riding in his wagon much more than the stroller. In the stroller, he is kind of subdued. He looks around more, will put his feet up on the seat across from, and chatters more when he rides in the wagon.
One of Graham's latest tricks is to turn the dishwasher on when it isn't supposed to be on and unlock when it is running. He loves to push buttons, turn knobs, move levers. He is very curious about everything, including other people. When we go to activities with other mommies and kids, it is probable that he will hug some mommy from behind. So far no one has minded.

Dakota continues to be his favorite playmate. He loves to hug her, but also will pat a little too hard and pull her ears. Our mantra is 'gentle'. We are gradually switching from the bottle to the sippy cup. Switching from formula to milk hasn't been a problem. Giving up the bottle is more of a struggle.
Graham will continue his periodic updates of his adventures. We just started a new music class, will be going to story hour again after Labor Day and will also start back at the program through West Des Moines schools. I am sure he will have plenty of tales to share.
1 comment:
I love the title of this post, "Getting Bigger." Are there any advantages to the weight gain? Yes, Power
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