Hey Graham Fans! Lots of family time lately! Nanny came up to visit the other week. We all went to the pumpkin patch. Actually we didn't go all the way out to the patch, but we did all the fun things around the farm. They had goats to pet. I even grabbed one of the goats horns!

There were some hay bales to to stand on. They also had these really cool pedal tractors. I couldn't reach the pedals. Daddy pushed me some, but I was just as happy playing with the steering wheel. I love steering wheels!

The other highlights of the day were picking out a pumpkin (well more for Mom and Dad) and eating kettle corn! I like popcorn! Nanny couldn't give it to me fast enough. Hopefully we go back next year!

While Nanny was here, we found out Great Uncle Eldon died. Mommy was pretty shocked and sad. Mommy and I went to visit Aunt Marian and cousins Steve and Suzy. We went to Suzy's house. She has a dog like Dakota except it was brown. It was sad but I was happy to see a dog. Later in the week we saw more of Mommy's family. Grandma was in town and Aunt Deb came. Lot and lots of Mommy's cousins were there. One of Mommy's cousins had a little boy younger than me. He ended up sitting on his Grandpa's lap next to Mommy and me so I shared my goldfish crackers with him. It is okay to share sometimes. When we left I felt sad for Aunt Marian so I planted one on her. Everyone seems to love it when I smooch them so I thought she probably needed it.
Busy week already and then Friday I put on this dragon outfit and walked around the neighborhood. I guess it was Beggar's Night. People gave me candy so I think it was a good thing. It was kind of a yucky night. When we got home some other kids came to our house to get candy, but there weren't that many.

The next day we went to Grandma's house.

Uncle Greg was there, then Aunt Deb, Sam, and Kayla were there too. Mass was for Grandpa Dennis so we went to pray for him. Grandma let me sit on the step stool instead of her high chair. It was fun - I could wiggle ALL around. That evening was trick or treat night in Sigourney. Once again, I put on my dragon outfit. We went to Great Grandma's house, the Richardson's, and the Shettlers. Three houses was enough because that meant getting in the carseat that many times. On Sunday, I found out how much fun it is to play, i.e. pound, on the piano. Kayla and I 'played' a duet!

Then later in the day when Uncle Greg left, I got in Grandma's car. I love to drive!

It was a fun weekend with different people to play with me.
We have had some nice weather lately so I have gotten to play outside. We even went to the park a couple of days. It had been a while since we had visited the park. In that time, I had gotten braver on the slides, particularly when getting off the slide. I fell a few times but I wasn't hurt and would just go climb the steps to slide down again.
Sara came over to see me the other day. Mommy and Daddy left after she got here. I guess they went out to celebrate their anniversary. I don't understand why they wouldn't want me to go along. Oh well Sara and I had a good time. I was showing her how I hug Dakota, then I would hug Sara. She liked it so I did it more.
Notes from Mommy: We got a little behind in the pictures after losing the USB cord so Graham couldn't finish his update he has been working on for awhile. This give me an opportunity to chime in on everything he is doing. We are so tickled with the things he does. The other week Dakota had a new toy which she promptly shredded. Graham started puting the pieces in the trash with out any prompting. He had been putting things in the trash can when I would tell him but we were so impressed that he did it on his own. One day when I had turned off the water in the shower, he grabbed my towel and handed it to me. Since then, he has done it both prompted and unprompted. Graham has gotten much more confident - sometimes too confident. I found him standing on the dining room table one day. He has also taken to standing on the ottoman in the living room and trying to jump to the couch. It isn't far, but he doesn't totally have the skills to do it. He keeps trying. Graham likes to walk down the stairs going forward as long as he has a finger to hold onto and a hand on the wall. He is also using silverware some. Eating with his hands is easier but he is getting better at maneuvering the fork and spoon.
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