Hey Graham Fans! What do you think? Do I look different? Mommy and Daddy said they put tubes in my ears - can you see them? If you have been following my blog, you know that I have a lot of ear infections. Mommy and Daddy and the doctors decided getting tubes would be the best thing for me. Based on the experience, I am not so sure. (Editor's note - Daddy put Graham on top of the fridge. He hasn't figured that out on his own.) 
Here's how it all played out. I had to go to my doctor the day before my 'surgery'. She said I had an ear infection! Good grief. Instead of taking some tasty flavored medicine. They gave me TWO shots. I have never had shots that hurt that bad! Wow! I don't want to do that again. The next day we got up early and I left the house with my jammies still on and no breakfast. We went to this place that looked like other doctor offices. When we went to the back, things started to look different. My ear doctor looked normal, but this other doctor had a weird hat on his head. Pretty soon, some nurse came and got me. She had a really funny looking hat on her head. It didn't even bother me that Mom and Dad weren't with me, because I was checking out this lady. In this other room, they put some big mask on my face. I don't remember much after that until the nurse was carrying me to Daddy and Mommy. I felt so WEIRD. I didn't like it. Daddy held me but that only made me feel slightly better and I love my daddy. Fortunately Mommy and Daddy had milk for me, but I still felt so weird. Mommy and I went home. Eventually I had some breakfast and started to fell a better. I have to get drops in my ears. I HATE that. I really do. Mommy said we are done with those. Yeah!
Mommy and I went to Grandma's house over the weekend. It was fun. Aunt Deb and her family were there too. Kayla really likes to play with me and she doesn't care how many times I wash my hands. I really like to wash my hands (play in the water). Grandma has lots of tractors to play with so I had plenty of fun playing with them. She even opened some that were in a box still. I was so busy while at Grandma's that I slept the whole way home!
Life is pretty ordinary right now. We go to Brighter Beginnings class and music class. Hopefully ordinary will include less doctor appointments for me. Mommy seems to go a lot too and there is so much talk about a baby. I am still not sure what that means. I will keep you posted on that.
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