Hey Graham Fans! It has been awhile since I posted. My world has changed! Mommy and Daddy have talked about a baby in Mommy's (might I add BIG) tummy. This baby would come live with us. Well the other week Grandma shows up and then the next morning Grandpa shows up early. Mommy and Daddy were hustling around. Grandpa and Daddy let me play outside really early. Before long they loaded up and left - without ME! Grandma and Grandpa kept me entertained all day. It was kind of hard to nap without Mommy. Eventually Uncle Greg showed up. I heard them all talk about 'it' being a girl. Then Nanny shows up and her and Grandpa head out. Grandma and Uncle Greg wanted me to go to bed. I snuggled up with Uncle Greg and then with Grandma, but they tried to put me to bed - no go! Daddy got home and he put me to bed. Strangely Mommy didn't come back with Daddy. So the next morning Daddy leaves again, then Grandma and Nanny took me to this place and Mommy was there! I sat right next to her, then Grandma sat down with my new sister Caroline (long 'i'). I kissed her a lot and liked to hug her. We went back in the afternoon and then Grandma and Uncle Greg took me back. Mommy stayed at this hospital place with Caroline. Another morning started and Daddy left again and I hung out with Grandma. Finally at lunchtime, Mommy was home with Daddy and Caroline too. I missed Mommy and needed some good snuggle time with her. Daddy has been really good about playing with me since Mommy seems to have to take care of Caroline.

We have had several visitors which has been kind of fun when they play with me. It isn't easy having to share Mommy with Caroline - sometimes I really need her to hold me and Caroline is taking up Mommy's time. Sometimes we have to share Mommy's arms and lap. I do my best to take more than my share!!!
One good thing about getting a new sister is the new toys I have received - a remote control car, a truck book, some matchbox trucks, a 'hoop', a Sesame Street DVD, a little etch-a-sketch thing, some balls, a watering can and garden tools. It makes living with a needy baby easier!
We have had several visitors which has been kind of fun when they play with me. It isn't easy having to share Mommy with Caroline - sometimes I really need her to hold me and Caroline is taking up Mommy's time. Sometimes we have to share Mommy's arms and lap. I do my best to take more than my share!!!
One good thing about getting a new sister is the new toys I have received - a remote control car, a truck book, some matchbox trucks, a 'hoop', a Sesame Street DVD, a little etch-a-sketch thing, some balls, a watering can and garden tools. It makes living with a needy baby easier!
Daddy and Mommy took me to this fun place - Pump It Up. They have these blow-up rides. Daddy and I kept going down this slide. It was SO much fun! I hope we get to go back there soon!
We took Caroline to the doctor when she was two weeks old. She weighed 7 lbs 7 oz - Mommy was impressed. She had grown 3/4 of an inch in length too. I got weighed too. When I was at the doctor last, I had lost weight from the previous appointment. I weighed 27 lbs 8 oz - up 2 lbs in three months putting me at the 60th percentile. After going to the doctor I didn't feel well. Mommy took me back to the doctor on Thursday - found out I had Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. Mommy wondered why I hadn't been sleeping well - she found out my throat hurt!
Gosh what else is new - I am getting better at driving my tractor and I really like to help Dad mow the lawn with my mower. We have gotten some other new things at the house. Check out the pictures! 
Caroline sleeps a lot, but seems to need Mommy at the same times I need her. We haven't been able to play at the neighbors - we have to be close to the house so we can check on Caroline if she cries. Sometimes she cries too much!
Great update Kathy!! Caroline is just precious and it looks like Graham may be getting potty trained!!?? Hope all else is going well!
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