Hello! This is my debut blog! If you haven't figured it out, this is Caroline not Graham! He hogs the computer (and the attention!) all the time. It is time for me to share my perspective on life. It took me awhile to be awake long enough to have enough stories to share. I admit that my life isn't as exciting as Graham makes his out to be. I mainly sit in the bouncer downstairs, the bouncer in Mommy's bathroom, the carseat or lay on the playmat. That may not be exciting, but give me a break I am
only two months old! The pictures above and below were taken on July 3 when I was exactly two months old.

Awhile back we all went to Grandma's house. I met Grandma's sister and her family. Aunt Deb and her family were there too. People like to hold babies so I got held a lot. I showed them how well I could hold my head. Aunt Deb was obviously impressed.

Daddy took this cute picture of me at Grandma's house. You can see I have an appreciation for a good paci.

I know Graham already shared that I got baptized. Uncle Greg is my Godfather and Aunt Lisa is my Godmother. She couldn't make it to the baptism so Grandma stood in for her. With all my extended family around I got held a lot again. From what I understand, I cried less than Graham when he was baptized. That doesn't surprise me...

Graham is a pretty good older brother. He likes to help mommy once in awhile. Not sure how he thinks he could feed me but he offers. He really likes to kiss me too.

When I get older though, I am going to owe him several unprovoked swats. I just lay here and he will whap me - paybacks I tell ya, paybacks. Until then I just get back at him as I can. He really likes to snuggle with Mommy when he gets up from his nap. Well sometimes that just happens to be when I need to eat so Graham has to share Mommy's lap! Boy does that make him cry! He has had lots of attention from Mommy and Daddy. I definitely need to work it so I get my share! Don't get me wrong, I can't
wait until I can play with him.
As you probably guessed, I had my two month appointment last week. I measured 23 inches in length ( 75th percentile). I weighed 11 lbs 4 oz ( 60th percentile). My head measured at the 50th percentile. I am good at raising my head up when on my tummy. I like to coo and 'talk' as says Grandma. I also love to move my arms and legs a lot. I have heard Mommy say I am a better sleeper than Graham. Below are some cute pics of me!

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