Woo hoo! I rolled from my back to tummy today! Then later I was on my tummy and rolled over to my back. By the way, if you haven't figured it out, this is Caroline, not Graham. He jumps off the furniture and climbs on everything - rolling over would not be a milestone for him. Anyway, about me, I have been working on rolling over for a long time, like at least a week. On the floor, I try to roll over, in my bouncy seat, I try to roll over.

Mommy didn't get a picture of me actually rolling over, but take my word for it, I got the job done!
Life still is a lot about sleeping. I moved into my crib a few weeks back. I tend to scoot around especially if I can break out of my swaddle. Mom is so proud of me for being a good sleeper so far. I can sleep 6-7 hours straight many nights, give or take. Gosh I don't know if Graham ever sleeps that long! 
I went through a phases where I was kind of Mommy dependent. Mommy and Daddy were supposed to go to a wedding without us kids, but Mommy was afraid I would cry for hours straight at Grandma's. Daddy went to the wedding by himself. Mommy, Graham, and I went to Grandma's. Aunt Deb and her family were there. Everyone was holding me and I did just fine. I guess it isn't so bad to let other people take care of me.
Smiling and jabbering are some of my favorite activities. I try to laugh too.

I like to grab things on my bouncy seats and my playmat. You can see below how I grab with my hand, but in one of my seats I get those animals with my feet!
Graham had his birthday party last week. Of course he got lots of attention, but I smiled at everyone. They all thought I was so sweet! It wore me out!

Hard to believe I have been around over 14 weeks! I am getting so old! Until next time!