Hey Graham fans! What a summer! At the beginning it looked like Caroline was going to spoil all of my fun this summer, but fortunately I have still gotten to do some fun things! I don't get to update the blog as much with all the summer fun and being a big brother. I will try to catch you up on my activities.
Not sure if I mentioned earlier that Mommy and I went to story time at the library. It is fun because after the stories, there are a bunch of toys to play with. That was our only scheduled activity. I have discovered this really great show - it is Dora the Explorer. There is this monkey on there called Boots - he is so fun to watch. I don't think he gets enough coverage on the show. If you haven't seen it, you should watch it. I still like Elmo and Sesame Street, but Dora has more plot to it.
Let's see what else has been going on... Well Nanny visited. We played and I did my best to entertain her. I think it must have worked. She had to oohh and aahh over Caroline too. I guess sister is kind of cute so that is understandable. Daddy and I took her to a park so I could show her how agile I am. She was definitely impressed.
Caroline I think mentioned that we went to Grandma's while Daddy went to a wedding without us. We definitely had a good time at Grandma's. She has a mowie (translation from Mom - mower/lawn tractor). She took me for several rides and let me steer. Grandma has a really big yard so she really needed my help. I bet she hasn't gotten it all mowed since I was there.
Aunt Deb and family came to visit also. Sam and Kayla played with me, chased me around. It was a good time. Grandma must be really religious. She has all these little water holders around the yard like at church. I thought I was supposed to bless myself with all of them. Boy was I holy when I left! (Translation from Mom - Grandma has a couple of bird baths.) 
I like Grandma's deer. They are just my size to ride!
Daddy and I went to the I Cubs again with Jeff and Andrew Johannsen. We had a good time. I ate a hot dog and chased Cubby Bear all over!
I really like my presents and have been playing with them all. I like to play with my new tractors on my new table and on the dining room table. I really like to sit in my new chair and watch my new DVD's. I think Mommy posted a picture of me holding Bebe while I was sitting in my new chair. It was a really good birthday!
That is all for now. I already have more to post, but not enough time to tell you about it!
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