So what have we been up to? Well last time I didn't get the chance to post about our trip to the State Fair. It was so much fun! We saw some baby animals - ducks, pigs, lambs. Daddy and I went through this garden where he and I pretended to plant and harvest a garden. Daddy really enjoyed that. 
I ate my first corn dog! YUMMY! We found some play equipment so I got to play for awhile, then the real fun of the day - tractors! Big tractors. I got to sit in some of the big ones. I actually really liked sitting on the ones I could get on by myself. It was a fun day! 
Daddy has participated in a couple of barbeque contests lately. Mommy, Caroline, Uncle Greg, and I went to Ames to visit Daddy. I liked wandering around. Uncle Greg and/or Daddy kept their eyes on me. Mommy, Caroline, and I went to Kansas City to see Daddy the next weekend. For the first time ever, I stayed in a hotel. It meant I got to go WIMMY (swimming)! Nanny came to the hotel and watched me wimmy with Mommy. The next morning we went to Daddy's barbeque contest. There were lots of teams and one made a smoker out of an airplane, while another had a cow smoker. I was a big fan of the cow. The people who owned thought it was funny when I said 'moo'! Nanny brought this car along so I filled it with stuff from Daddy's 'pit'.
I just went to the doctor for my 2 year appointment. Caroline had her 4 month appointment the same day so we didn't have to make two trips to the doctor. I weighed 28 1/2 pounds (60th percentile and was 34 3/4 inches tall (50th percentile). My head is still big - 95th percentile.
Aunt Deb, Uncle Tim, Sam and Kayla were here this past weekend. Daddy took Sam and Tim to the farm so Sam could hunt for deer. I played a lot with Aunt Deb and Kayla. Sam did go to the mall with us where I got my umpteenth haircut. I still cried, but Mommy thought I did better since I didn't thrash as much. Uncle Greg even came over for dinner.
As you know I am two so I don't always eat that well if the mood doesn't strike me but I am a fan of milk, juice, cookies, bownies (Uncle Greg brought some over), muffies (Aunt Deb brought those), candy (I always try to grab some in the checkout lane), pasta or asian noodles, sandwiches, Daddy's bbq, cole slaw, cottage cheese, peas, different fruits (particularly with yogurt), chips, crackers, corn bread, ice cream, chicken. The list goes on. I am not really a picky eater, I just don't always want to eat...
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