Mommy and Daddy celebrated an anniverary a couple weeks ago. We all got to go out for sushi a couple of nights later to 'celebrate'. I like sushi. I also got to eat edamame - I love me some edamame!!!! They can take us out for sushi again - anniversary or not. I think they need to have 'birday cake' for their anniversary however.
Nanny came to visit a week or so ago. We played and played. We did stickers, played with my train set (she put it all together), read books. She always has pictures in her purse that I like to look at. We got donuts too! I was surprised Daddy wanted donuts since he has to eat them everyday at work.
If you know me well, you know I am not the best sleeper. I crawled out of my crib before my birthday and would not stay in after that. I have been sleeping in the guest bed, but Mommy and I went shopping and picked out a bed just for me. I call it my baseball bed, though it has other balls on it as well. Daddy and Mommy hope that someday I will sleep all night in it. I could, but I think they would get lonely in their room without me. Mommy tells me that big boys sleep in their own bed and that I can still come in in the morning to snuggle. Maybe someday, but they would miss me too much right now. It is fun to snuggle in their room. If Baby Sister is up, she might come in so she can snuggle in the morning.
I am sure you will hear from Caroline soon...