Hey Graham Fans! I have been wanting to share some of the fun I have been having and finally sat down to share.
A few weeks ago it was Halloween. I am not sure this is right, but it went on for DAYS! Daddy and I carved our pumpkins. I helped clean out the 'goop' from inside.

We also roasted the seeds - all good stuff. The next night Daddy, Mommy, Caroline, and I went to Living History Farms. They had trick or treating on the main street, popcorn, wagon rides (we skipped that), marshmellow roasting, and a story teller (it wasn't a story I was interested in). Two thumbs up from this monkey. The next day I got to go to work with Daddy. He had to deliver donuts to his team members. When Daddy got the dounts, I said "ippee! work!". I know why Daddy goes to work all the time - they eat donuts
everyday! After dinner, I had to put the Monkey suit back on and walk around.

I wasn't that excited to put it on, but I liked getting the candy. Caroline went along to a few houses, then she and Mommy went home to hand out our treats. When Daddy and I got home, I handed out the treats - that was as much fun as getting the treats! The next day we went to Grandma's while Daddy was hunting. Once again Mommy put those costumes back on us and we went to town (a new concept to me 'going to town' and I kept talking about it). We visited the Shettlers. Mrs. Shettler took our pictures so we have proof we were there. Believe it or not, once again, the next day we put those costumes back on - this time at Grammy's house so she could see how cute we were. I have to say I think Mommy got her money out of those costumes!
So I mentioned we went to Grandma's. Uncle Greg was there when we got there. Guess what, he gave me my first ride on Grandpa Dennis' old tractor. I had sat on it before, but never actually ridden on it.

I watched what Uncle Greg did so when I sat on it after he left, I pulled the choke too - guess that is what you do to get it to start. I need to practice so someday I can drive for real. Grandma took me on her tractor too. She needs me to help her steer so while I know I am helpful, it is fun too.

I played with Grandma's toys, one of my favorites of course is a tractor. Caroline got her hands on it for awhile. She better not be thinking she can play with it everytime we go to Grandma's - that is for ME!

Grandma and I made cupcakes! I love to cook and you know Grandma is always needing my help for one thing or another. It just happened that I LOVE cupcakes so I was happy to help!

Mommy and Daddy celebrated an anniverary a couple weeks ago. We all got to go out for sushi a couple of nights later to 'celebrate'. I like sushi. I also got to eat edamame - I love me some edamame!!!! They can take us out for sushi again - anniversary or not. I think they need to have 'birday cake' for their anniversary however.
Nanny came to visit a week or so ago. We played and played. We did stickers, played with my train set (she put it all together), read books. She always has pictures in her purse that I like to look at. We got donuts too! I was surprised Daddy wanted donuts since he has to eat them everyday at work. 
If you know me well, you know I am not the best sleeper. I crawled out of my crib before my birthday and would not stay in after that. I have been sleeping in the guest bed, but Mommy and I went shopping and picked out a bed just for me. I call it my baseball bed, though it has other balls on it as well. Daddy and Mommy hope that someday I will sleep all night in it. I could, but I think they would get lonely in their room without me. Mommy tells me that big boys sleep in their own bed and that I can still come in in the morning to snuggle. Maybe someday, but they would miss me too much right now. It is fun to snuggle in their room. If Baby Sister is up, she might come in so she can snuggle in the morning.
I am sure you will hear from Caroline soon...
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