Hello my followers! Is that too formal? I am still struggling to come up with a greeting that fits me. Graham had it easier. Graham Fans just kind of rolls off the tongue. I will keep working on it.
I have to apologize for the delay in my post. I have just been so busy because I WALK!

Yeah I am that good that I started walking at 9 months! Gosh I am so good at it that I don't even have to balance myself with my arms in the air.

I can climb up the stairs - all of them!

In fact, if the gate is open I just start climbing. Mommy has come running multiple times to stop me. Even if the gate isn't open I will climb the bottom step and then even step up on the gate.

I will climb on anything. I climb on Graham's chair.

I climb on the dishwasher door. We have a little picnic table - I can climb up on top of it. I keep finding more things to climb. Mommy would have more pictures of me climbing if she didn't have to protect me from falling.
Walking obviously takes up a lot of my time. Unfortunately I still fall. Sometimes things get in my way and I just don't know how to get around or over them. All things in time right? Good thing I have some 'cush' in my tush! ;)
A couple weeks ago I went swimming for the first time. At least that is what Daddy and Mommy called it. I would call it Mommy holding me in a HUGE bathtub while wearing bathing suits. I would definitely be game to do it again. It will be more fun when I get taller and can stand up.
Speaking of bathtubs, I graduated out of my baby bathtub. I really like the freedom of having the whole bath and more toys to play with. The down side is that now Graham and I take a bath together. It is fun most of the time, but he will take my toys or push me. Sometimes it would be nice to have a Graham free zone.

I eat a lot of table food now. Mommy doesn't always give me what they are eating, but lots of meals I eat only table food. I like cheerios, waffles, toast, pancakes, bananas, apples, pears, peas, carrots, corn, cheese, pasta, some meat, breadsticks. If someone is eating and doesn't share with me, I will give them the stare down. Don't they know it isn't polite to eat in front of others without sharing?
Well I will let Graham share what we have been up to the last couple of months. Hopefully it won't be so long between posts!