Speaking of Baby and walking, it is kind of fun that she does, but it means she gets in my business more. That aggravates me and she gets what I feel she has coming - pushed down. Well that means I end up in trouble more. That is no fun. Don't get me wrong, I still love my sister she just frustrates me. I do try to do things that 'make her SO happy'. The bonus of that is it makes Mommy happy too. Hugging, patting, trying to help her all good things.
Gosh so what have we been up to? We are really behind so I have to take you all the way back to January. Grandma came to visit the end of January. Mommy and Daddy went skiing during the day so Grandma babysat us. When Mommy and Daddy came home, we ate dinner and had birthday cupcakes to celebrate Grandma's birthday! I love birthdays and I love cupcakes!
A couple of weeks later we went to Kansas City and celebrated Daddy's birthday with Nanny, Uncle Brad, Aunt Lisa and Benjamin. Daddy and Mommy went out to dinner the first night and Caroline and I played at Uncle Brad's.
The next day Mommy and Daddy took me out to lunch at this place where a train delivers your food. Big fan of that place. I don't really care about the food, but how awesome is it that a train brings the food to your table. That night we went back to Uncle Brad's house.
We had birthday cake for Daddy's birthday! It was an ice cream cake - YUMMY!
Daddy had to go out of town for work the next week so Mommy, Baby and me went to Grandma's. I didn't get to play outside as much as I wanted, but Grandma did take me out to the shed so I could check out all of my favorite things - Greg's tractor and Grandma's tractor. I told Grandma to open the door so we could drive the mower. She seemed to think it was too wet. Grandma has a couple of books I LOVE that she always reads to me.
Grammy took us to lunch the next day at Pizza Ranch. It is a good place for me. They have pizza and peas and cucumbers and pasta salad - stuff I like. Grandma baked in the afternoon so I got to help. Other than that we just did our usual stuff - played the piano, played with the tractors, played with Grandpa Dennis' trucks, and Grandma even had Dora on tv!
Later that week, we met some friends from Brighter Beginnings at Backyard Adventures. It is like a big park with lots of playground equipment but inside. I hope we go back - that was fun!
Aunt Deb, Uncle Tim, Sam and Kayla were in town the end of February so they visited us. Daddy took me to the Science Center and Sam came along. There were some fun things there.
We started to going to church for the fish fry. I guess that means it is Lent! Uncle Greg eats with Mommy, me and Sister. Daddy is in the kitchen cooking. I always have fun. There is so much space to run and I like to ride in the wheel chairs and of course eat dessert! Caroline likes it too. Since she eats mostly table food now, she chows down when we are there! Of course, she walks all over. Mommy likes it because we burn energy!
Last weekend for some reason I don't understand, Mommy left us overnight to hang out with friends. Like she got up Saturday morning, she got ready and Miss Sara then was in our driveway. I was still in my pajamas. Nanny came later in the morning. We made cookies and went to Target. We had fun, but when Mommy got home we were sure happy to see her! Sister climbed off of Daddy's lap and toddled right over to Mommy. She didn't want Mommy to put her down. Now don't think we don't love Daddy too - we are always happy when he comes home from work! Sometimes it makes me sad that he has to go to work. Mommy just has never been gone that much without us. We managed just fine. "Me wuv guys weekend!"
Other than that life has been pretty normal. We play around the house. 
Sometimes it is fun to wear Mommy's shoes and I don't like to wear my pants.
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