So what have I been up to? I think the more appropriate question is what have I been into? My answer is what haven't I been into! If there is an open door, I find it and get into or drag out whatever is in there! Mommy takes so long getting ready in the morning that I can find lots of her stuff to drag out. The dishwasher is another favorite. Standing on it or pulling things out of it - great fun!
Sitting in the rocking chair was boring so I would stand on it. Mommy tried turning it over. Graham used it as a snowblower and I of course climbed on it.
Graham likes to climb in our tunnel with it up on the ottoman. Once in awhile, I get a turn too. Of course I need it on the ground or for Mommy to help me it Graham is using it as a slide.
I have become a really good eater. I can't remember the last time I ate baby food. If I see people eating, I want some too! There are some things of course I can't have yet. It makes me mad even if it is a choking hazard. 
I found Grandpa Dennis' cane in the closet. It was bigger than me, but I still did my best to carry it. I might look soft and cuddly, but I am STRONG!
All the excitement wore me out!
We go to the Y pretty regularly. I graduated myself from the baby area to the big kid area. Mommy would drop me off in the baby area. I would cry. They would hand me over the wall to be in the big kid area and I would be happy. I really like one of the ladies that works on that side. Ryann is her name and she is my favorite! Graham usually play near me too, which I like. Speaking of hanging with the big kids, I have gotten to stay with the kids during Brighter Beginnings. This is the class we go to where we sing songs, then the mommies leave for awhile and the kids have snacks and play. I have stayed twice. I really like it. I am not sure Graham likes me infringing on his territory.
Hope you have a Happy Easter!
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