Happy Fall my followers! Yes it is Caroline this time. Graham is starting to get used to the idea that I get to post about all of our activities too. Sharing can be hard as I am learning. My favorite phrase is "No Way" and I will say it to anyone my size that seems to be a threat!
I have a lot of words now. "No Way" is what I say the most. I say 'Take you' (thank you) a lot as well and I just started saying 'sawwe' (sorry). Mommy and Daddy are some of my favorites as well. Cup, nack, Kota (our dog), itty (kitty), Melmo (Elmo), ackack (backpack for Dora), up, Mawma (Grandma), Nanny, cookie, helwo,nigh nigh, poop (Mommy is always telling Graham that everyone poops so that means we can talk about it). Lots of other words that I repeat.
You may have heard that Grandma got her knees replaced. Mommy, Graham and I went to visit her and help her out. She had all these staples in her knees. I touched them. She is doing great though. We took her to physical therapy. Mommy tried to keep us out of trouble while we were there, but there were lots of things to touch, lift, and climb on. I don't think we broke anything. It was homecoming in Sigourney. Mommy and Grandma took us to the parade. Daddy showed up to watch it too. We also went to the outlet mall one day. Aunt Deb, Sam, and Kayla met us there. They were lucking enough to get to chase us around. Graham and I sure had fun running around the stores and down the sidewalk! Before we went home we got shakes at Arby's. Graham and I loved it. Oh and you are thinking, didn't Grandma just have knee surgery so shouldn't she be resting. She is like some miracle patient. Gosh she even gave us rides on the mower! She lets Graham do all the steering and he could ride forever. I don't steer and I am ready to get off at the end of my turn.

I don't think Graham has mentioned that we are back at Brighter Beginnings. We actually haven't been there that much. We have been under the weather and Mommy hates to potentially make the other kids sick. We have been there enough to know that I like it. You sing songs, you eat a snack, make a craft, and play with toys. What isn't there to like?! The first week, I admit I C.R.I.E.D! I know the routine now so all is good.
We made our annual trip to the pumpkin patch. They have pedal tractors, teeter totters, a bumpy slide, a corn box, some animals and of course you pick out some pumpkins. The highlight was the pony ride. Graham wanted to ride so Daddy bought him a ticket. I wanted to ride too so the nice man put me on a horse and let me ride without a ticket. I was happy as a clam!

We went to Kansas City to visit our family there. We stayed at Grandpa's house this time, but visited Benjamin's house and Nanny's too. We had a fun time at Benjamin's. We played outside a long time. It was a beautiful day! Graham and I loved Baby Joe!

Graham might have even loved him more than me. Since he is older, he got to help feed him. We liked to touch him. We made crafts at Nanny's house, including playing with Play Doh. I had to have a little sample. Doesn't everyone eat Play Doh and crayons?

We went back to Grandpa's house and everyone was there for dinner. Graham and Benjamin had to put on their Halloween costumes. Aren't they silly? Graham even wore his at breakfast the next morning!

I could go on, but think I will break. Graham can share our Halloween adventures!
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