Grandpa came up on Friday and golfed with Dad and Graham. Funny how he was here for my birthday, but Graham got to go off and do the fun stuff! Graham is always working the angles! Saturday was my big party! I got to wear a new outfit and sported my oh so cute piggy tails. Grandma and Grammy came, then Aunt Deb and her family, and Nanny, and of course, Uncle Greg. We had lunch with stuff I liked - HOT DOGS and juice boxes!
After lunch, it was time for CAKE! I have to admit, I didn't really like it when everyone sang happy birthday. I actually wanted them to stop. At least once they did I could eat my cupcake!
It was definitely a fun time! Cupcakes and presents - can't go wrong!
The following weekend we went to Sigourney for Mother's Day. The weather was awesome! We played outside most of the time we were there. Daddy and Graham went fishing at Grandma's pond. Graham caught a BIG catfish. He called it Brutus! They never keep the fish they catch so they didn't have a way to bring him back to the house. We didn't get to see Brutus so we just have to take their word that it wasn't some fish story! We also played in Grandma's shed - sitting on the tractor, the mower and the golf cart. Daddy stored his bbq trailer in Grandma's shed so he got out the two wheeler. Graham and I pushed it around the shed. Daddy took both Graham and I out on the mower. Grandma hooked up her wagon to the mower and gave us a ride. As always, we played with Grandma's toys, played the piano, and 'exercised' on her treadmill. We even went up to Belva Deer and played on the play equipment. We had a lot of fun!!
We were also busy with playdates. We had several picnics with our preschool friends. They even had a picnic with all the kids from preschool with their whole families. It was kind of crazy with all of those kids there, but I tried to use it to my advantage to sneak extra juice boxes.One just isn't enough! Graham got out of preschool towards the end of May. He was able to go to the last music class with us. Graham's swim lessons lasted all of May and his gymnastics class will continue through summer. Mommy took a few pics of Graham at gymnastics. He is practicing cart wheels in the top pic. He is also jumping on the trampoline in a couple of the pics. All the kids love the trampolines! I can't wait until I can take gymnastics class too!!!

Well that is all for now. The next post will be about our vacation! I am sure Graham wil have to write that plog post....
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