Graham shared with you our 4th of July activities. On the 5th Uncle Brad came up. We went to Chicken Poop (for infrequent readers, she means Chicken Coop) and then went fishing in the pond near our house. It was so HOT! Fun nonetheless. Daddy and Uncle Brad went golfing early in the morning the next day. Graham wasn't happy he didn't get to go.
Daddy had to travel quite a bit in July. He didn't like it and we sure missed him. Mommy worked hard to keep us busy. The heat wasn't helpful. We had a few playdates. We met some preschool friends at Backyard Adventures and met some Brighter Beginning friends at BA another day. We always pack our lunch and eat there. It is a great time running, climbing, playing, and eating your picnic lunch. We had friends to our house too. Mommy invited some preschool friends over so their mommy could run some errands. I have to say that I wasn't that comfortable with it. I like our guests but kind of got me upset to share mommy like that. Once I got over that, I wanted to play pretend shower, but Mommy put the kaboosh on that. My girl friend didn't seem offended by the idea, so I don't get what the issue is. We also went to some of our friends' houses. One day we went after Caroline napped and we got to play in our friend's house, and THEN outside with water guns. The second playdate at another friend's house involved more playing with different toys, a cool rocking horse that is on springs, some construction toys, a slip and slide and sand! It was fun!
Mommy organized a couple non-kid playdates - with Uncle Greg! He has some toys I like so we had dinner at his house and I got to play with his toys. Caroline likes to chase his kitty cat. He made us mac and cheese and some other stuff. We had a good time and we both got to do what we liked. Another week, he came over and then we went out for ice cream. As we were leaving the ice cream store, we saw a train on the tracks down the street. Mommy tried to get us down the street to see it, but it was a short train. We 'chased' it down and saw it at another intersection. It was really big and REALLY loud to be that close! We were parked several feet from the intersection and it really made an impresson on me!
At the end of the month, Dad and Grandpa had a bbq contest in Council Bluffs. Mom, Caroline, and I went along to see the Omaha Zoo and support dad. I actually rode with Daddy and Grandpa so I could help set up. We headed to the zoo after we finished setting up and found our hotel. I have to say the zoo was pretty cool. Lots of big cats, bears, and a bunch of gorillas! The aquarium was pretty cool - sharks, turtles, penguins. We hung out at the bbq contest after that. The contest was part of the county fair so there were other things to look at - tractors, combines, Gators! We also saw some animals and rode a few rides. We went back on Saturday. We played around Dad's trailer and taste tested some chicken. We headed back over to the fair grounds and sat on the tractors. It was exciting because we stayed to watch the awards. Dad got some great ribbons! He did really well!
Enough for now. Graham will post next to talk about his birthday!
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