September for me meant it was time to go back to school. It was much easier this year. I knew what to expect. One of my friends from last year, Michael, is in my class this year. He and I made friends with another boy, Lucas. We are the oldest in the class. I call us the silly boys. I don't think they know that. We have a lot of fun together. :)
Caroline mentioned we got a new roof. That actually happened in September. They started early one morning and had all the old shingles off before we went to the gym in the morning. Then as we were about to drive off the crane truck delivering the shingles arrived. The lady driving the truck had a remote control that operated the crane. She put the shingles on the roof. It was pretty cool. After everyone in the neighborhood also got new roofs, seeing the truck became an everyday occurrence, not even that interesting.
We all went to KC to celebrate Nanny's birthday. She had a party with cake and other yummy treats. I ate my share! She even got presents, though no toys. She didn't look disappointed. I would have been upset if I didn't get any toys! We also spent time with Grampa and Susan and played at Benjamin's house for awhile. Sometimes we get silly, but we have a good time playing.
After fun in KC, we had to hurry back on Sunday for football practice. Yep, that is right, I had football practice. We started practicing in the yard the week before practice started. That was fun. Practice on a field with other kids, some of whom I did not know with parents watching, was scarier than our front yard. During practice, some kid pulled my flag. Was I ever mad! I didn't want to play anymore. I didn't want Dad to coach anymore. I was really upset! I was so relieved when practice was over (and glad to get the treats). Dad and Mom made me practice at home again later in the week. Then Mom of all people pulled my flag. Boy was I mad! How could she do it?! We talked a lot about it and by the next practice it wasn't so bad. Once we started playing games I even scored . More about that in a later blog.
Speaking of football, we went to a Drake game. It was fun. We started at the bookstore to buy shirts for Caroline and me. We each got a sweatshirt, which I love and wear proudly. We went out to lunch, then went to the game. My favorite part is always seeing Spike, the mascot. I made Mom sit down in front waiting for Spike to come to our end. It took awhile but he FINALLY came our way. Caroline won't stick around when Spike shows up. She does like to get the bulldog tattoo and will pet the real bulldog when he makes an appearance. It was kind of cold that day. When we left, Caroline fell asleep in the car. It was her nap time anyway, but the cool weather really made her sleepy!
The end of the month we went to Grandma's. The weather was great for playing outside. I found a push tiller for the garden so helped Grandma get her garden tilled. I have pushed around the rototiller in the shed before but since I am not big enough to used motorized equipment, I was excited to find the push tiller. I worked really hard!
I started thinking about my Halloween costume probably in August, but Mom made me wait to pick it out. Labor Day weekend we were at Costco and they had all the costumes on display. We found Captain America with a shield! I also got a Spiderman mask shortly after school started. How cool am I? I wore my Halloween costume so much that I got a hole in it so Mom said I couldn't wear it as much. :/
That brings us to the end of September so hopefully we get October published soon. Keep your fingers crossed. I know how you all love the blog!
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