Sunday, January 12, 2014

On the road again! 03/13

Project catch up the blog continues!  Caroline on assignment!  I am so excited to share with you what our escapades from March!  We had normal activities - Graham had school, I went to Brighter Beginnings, an occasional play date, plus our house was on the market!  Mom was always cleaning and picking up.  Every few days, sometimes less, sometimes more, someone was looking at our house to determine if they wanted to buy it.  Then we would drive around, run an errand, sometimes drive by the houses Mom and Dad liked to see if there was a sale pending sign.  Sometimes we would get to eat out.  Mostly it was a hassle!
The highlight of our month was going to Minneapolis.  Daddy had a meeting up there so we went up after his meetings were over and spent a couple of days.  It was a bit of a drive, but with the DVD player in the car, we survived.  Plus we had just been to Chicago in February - that was a DRIVE!!  First on the agenda was Mall of America!!!  We rode rides that were based on some of our favorite Nick Jr. characters!  Some rides I couldn't ride because I wasn't tall enough. Fortunately there were plenty of rides that were fun and perfect for Graham and me!  I really liked the Blues Clues ride!  The Wonder Pets ride was NOT fun!  It went up in the air and gradually jolted down, then went back up.  The little boy next to me tried to make me feel better because he noticed I was freaking out!   Graham rode it twice.  We rode a bunch of rides.  Graham even rode a roller coaster with Daddy.  We found a Peeps store, visited the Lego store, ate dinner and headed back to the hotel.  Swimming time!!  

The next day we visited the Children's Museum.  It was awesome!  Graham loved the city bus he could pretend to drive.  I liked the pretend store.  We both loved the restaurant and the doctor's office.  They had a nature area that we played in, but also we came across some reading buddies - dogs! I loved petting the dogs!  Mom and I found story time.  It was the best story time I had ever been to - that guy was an excellent narrator, plus it was a book about a cat!!!

 We found a place for lunch and ultimately headed back to the hotel to swim!  For dinner we met up with some friends of Daddy's from college.  Their kids are about the same age as us!  I slept through part of our meeting.  Nap time just didn't happen earlier so I had fallen asleep.  We still had fun.  Sunday we were headed home but went to Edinborough Park to burn some energy.  The pic below shows the climbing structure we played inside.  Graham was a little more adventurous than me.  They also had an open area with balls and ride on toys.  Mommy's friend Karen met us with her baby.  We had a great time. 
The other highlight of the month was Easter!  We went to an Easter hunt in Waukee.  There was candy everywhere!  After that we headed to Grandma's!  On Easter we dressed up for Easter Mass.  Graham and I like to dress up for holidays!  After church we got to help make dinner.  Of course, we had an Easter Egg hunt.  Graham was trying to get more than me as usual. 


  After all the excitement at Grandma's we headed home.  Graham and I were hoping that the Easter Bunny had visited our house!  Sure enough he did!  We both got swimming suits, which we promptly tried on!  The bunny also brought books and candy. 

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