Monday, July 28, 2008

Your guess is as good as mine

The doctor told us today that I could go into labor anytime but scheduled my appointment for next week. Big revelation, but I guess that is what pregnancy is all about. We have a growth ultrasound next Monday and then he might start talking induction. I am not that interested in being induced so I if he offers to induce me next Tuesday I will try to delay until later in the week. If the baby is getting big then maybe, but time will tell. Currently he estimates it to be 7.5 lbs - from the 'feel test.' We are so ready to meet the baby and see its little face! Chris and I are going to walk every night to encourage it to make its appearance!


Unknown said...

Monday, 8/4/08, 7#'s 4oz, girl. That's my guess.


Mindi said...

I am going to predict that the baby is a boy, 7lbs. 1oz, 19.5" long and will be born on 8/9/08

Kathy & Chris said...

I like Judy's date prediction - not Mindi's!

Mindi said...

I guess I was right with the weight but not the length.