Thursday, July 31, 2008


I am not in labor. Baby is moving around in there apparently quite content. Walking and water aerobics have not spurred anything. The chances of a ruby birthstone are dwindling by the minute....

Monday, July 28, 2008

Your guess is as good as mine

The doctor told us today that I could go into labor anytime but scheduled my appointment for next week. Big revelation, but I guess that is what pregnancy is all about. We have a growth ultrasound next Monday and then he might start talking induction. I am not that interested in being induced so I if he offers to induce me next Tuesday I will try to delay until later in the week. If the baby is getting big then maybe, but time will tell. Currently he estimates it to be 7.5 lbs - from the 'feel test.' We are so ready to meet the baby and see its little face! Chris and I are going to walk every night to encourage it to make its appearance!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

37 1/2 weeks

Chris and I have been working on the baby's room this weekend - organizing and putting the finishing touches in the room. We picked up a few things on our registries we need before baby's arrival. One important item was diapers (disposable Mom!). The carseat bases are in both vehicles. We feel about as ready as we will be. I don't know if Baby is ready but probably better for us to be ready in advance of him or her! I copied my latest profile shot and a couple pictures from the room. I am still getting used to this site so the format of my post may not be the best but you will 'get the picture'.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The due date is getting closer

Less than three weeks until Baby Bagby's due date. Of course we all realize that means nothing - it could opt to come early or perhaps it is nice and comfy inside and won't want to come out. Nothing is happening yet to indicate it is getting close - maybe next week the doctor will find the progress has started. We aren't quite ready yet so the baby can stay in there another couple of weeks. The room is almost there and we will have the carseat put in next week. We need to make a few purchases - like diapers - before we will be mostly ready. It is hard to fathom how much our lives are about to change and what this squirmy little thing inside me is going to look like!

All signs at the doctor's office continue to be good. My feet have started to swell some - with the recent heat and this late in the pregnancy I guess it is inevitable!

Not much time left to start the birthday pool - when will this baby arrive and will it be a boy or a girl??