Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hippy Baby or Hip Baby

Next week will be a momentus one in Graham's life - he will be getting a hair cut. Mom wants to ensure people think he is a boy and she is also empathetic to the extra insulation it adds to his neck. You might think with cold weather we wouldn't be worried about excess insulation but Graham is a little heater. When we get him out of his carseat he is often heat and the back of his hair is damp - note this is while wearing his outfit of the day, no coat. Poor little guy! Either way he will no longer look like he is growing into a hippy or trying to look like the 'hip' longer haired teens and 20 somethings

Graham continues to get stronger. He likes to be upright. If we are holding him so that he is too reclined he will try to pull himself up more upright. Either that or he is already doing crunches! He is also taking an interest in his exersaucer. He is still on the small side so we are always nearby if he is in the exersaucer.

Napping still isn't Graham's favorite activity but he shows signs he is tired. With some effort, he is coaxed to sleep. Mom keeps hoping that he figures out napping makes him feel better. Grandma just says Graham is like his mother!

More photos will be posted after his haircut, but here are some recent pics.

1 comment:

Mindi said...

I cannot believe how big he is getting! Time goes by so quickly.....